
Energy management in accordance with DIN ISO 50001

Döllken-Weimar receives certification

Since December 2015, the energy management system of Döllken-Weimar has been certified under international standard DIN EN ISO 50001:2011. Alongside the company policy of Döllken-Weimar GmbH, this is just one of the ways in which we are committed to our responsible approach to the environment.  In fact, we have drawn up a concrete energy policy, an energy program as well as strategic and operational objectives and action plans, forming the basis of energy management. When creating our products and processes, we strive to continuously improve the energy efficiency of our company. Not only are all employees committed to using the energy available responsibly, there is also a specific working group dealing intensively with meeting the objectives. Given the intense positive discussions being held about Germany’s energy revolution and how we can achieve set energy and climate objectives at an EU and global level, we want to do our bit to help.